What can you do with $2800 ?


Jul 11, 2008
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Oz, or somtimes Japan
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Here's what I built for $2800, over a year of research, and 4 months of work. :rockon:








That is beyond awesome, really like the color scheme and the handle bars!
A great job was done, and for a not so unreasonable price. Is that just $2800 in changes, or did that include a wrecked bike?
Awesome looking bike! That tail looks so slick. I want it! :drool:
Like the colors as well, though I'd throw som black and white in there to break the orange ;)

Fantastic work :thumbup:
Wow! Great looking bike! Congrats on your hard work. Now don't do a Wolfman and wreck it just when it's all finished! :spank: (sorry Jamie!) ;)

Now time to get out on some twisties and round off the tyres a bit I say! Better still get a new set - they look far too square and must make it handle horribly!
Great googley moogley what a hot bike. BOTM? gets my vote!

One of a kind, looks like nothing else here, right up my alley.

Only thing Id change......reflective wheel tape dude :BLAA:
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Wow! Great looking bike! Congrats on your hard work. Now don't do a Wolfman and wreck it just when it's all finished! :spank: (sorry Jamie!) ;)

Now time to get out on some twisties and round off the tyres a bit I say! Better still get a new set - they look far too square and must make it handle horribly!
He lives in Kansas. No corners except interchanges there.

Love the look you have created. Not digging the levers (would have done proper sport levers like ASV or CRG) or the jagged fender, but the bike looks great! Next mod, rebel flag and a big "oh one" on the side.
Haha, that movie is legendary. Changed my whole outlook on life I tell ya.
With regard to the bike, would have been easier to just have bought an R6 from the start. But yeah, love the paint, love the forks and brakes, love the levers etc.
Will there ver be a guy with an R6 who mods it to look like a FZ6?
Nice! Best FZ6 I've ever seen! The only thing that's really not appealing to me is the exhaust. Just not a fan of the straight pipe look. But awesome bike man! You did a fantastic job :thumbup: How does it ride? :)
Nice work!!! Those levers would scare the hell out of me though... in a lot of crashes, levers are one of the first things to touch the ground and get squeezed against the grip (that's why a lot of levers are "notched" to allow them to break before your hand gets crushed), but I guess these levers won't crush anything... they'll just sever your fingers right off lol

Anyway, very cool bike!
Verrrrrry nice, man! It's awesome how much detail you put into it too; the more I look the more I see you've done. Well done.

How's the sound with that pipe?
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Yeah sure I could have bought an R6r, but would have costed me an extra $3500 at the time I bought the FZ6, plus the R6r is not very street friendly, I used R6r parts cause there plentyful and cheaper than FZ6 parts, I originally planned on using only the R6r tail cause I found one $100, then I found a complete R6r front end for $250 so I was like screw it I'm going all out!

As for sound I don't know, I have'nt rode it yet, it's below freezing outside and the fuel tank is empty, and yes my tires are squared off cause use it for commuting to work, the closest road you can call a twisty is 50 miles away, hell another 10 miles and I ride into town and cruze the K-State University campus to see what's on parade(chicks).
Nice...very nice. Awesome looking bike. Looks sweet, and you should have no problem getting attention on the campus. Just make sure you don't drop that work of art while paying attention to the girls... :D