First time rider in the street


My mom says I'm cool
Mar 21, 2009
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I just got my first bike a couple days ago and so far it is very nerve racking driving around on the streets for me. I have a hard time going up to the speed limit because even at about 25-30, it feels like I'm going fast. I'm always worried that someone is going to cut out in front of me. Did most of you feel this nervous when you started out? How long before I get more comfortable with riding on the streets?
I did not have any problems riding in the street but I live for adrenaline. Take small steps and get comfortable before your out there. Practice for a day in an empty lot, wear your gear and ride to have fun not to worry.
Riding in town was fine but when I hit the freeway and the wind for the first time I wanted nothing more but to be off the road. I gets better keep calm, and stay loose.
I still find myself giving the handlebars the death grip and squeezing the tank with my knees. Just a subconcious thing I suppose. It's a good thing that you have a healthy respect and awareness for how exposed you are. Keep an eye on traffic and don't rely on your mirrors. Like what the other posters said, take some time to practice in an empty lot or a road with little traffic, and wear your gear.
The more you ride, the better it'll get. Just try to relax while you're riding and have a good time with it!
I agree that it's good that you have a healthy respect for the bike. I hadn't been on a bike in years before I got my FZ6 last summer. I think the most important thing to do is be aware of your surroundings and ride within your limits. If you aren't comfortable doing the speed limit, find some place where you can ride at the speed you are comfortable with. Empty parking lots are good to practice. I don't think you should be scared of your bike.
I think that it's different for everyone when it comes to comfort. If it's your first bike ever, it might take some time. Just ride smart and be safe! Take the safe riding courses and find some experienced riders who can give you some constructive feedback and things to practice.
Nothing wrong with a little fear, it keeps you in your place. Personally my only fear is dismemberment or being paralysed, nothing worries me more.

But I don't think about it when I'm on the bike, it's only when I'm reflecting on my close calls and realise how close I have come at times. You'll get more confident don't worry, just don't get too confident..
I felt the same way. Lucky for me, I live in the country and have some pretty nice and empty back roads at my disposal. Maybe you want to venture out in the country and do the same?
I know exactly what ya mean man, ive only been rideing for about a month now and im still nervous when i hit the streets.

Its a totally different perspective being out side the shell of a car.
My first time out on the street i kept thinking "wow i could reach over and touch that car if i want"

My nervousness comes from stalling tho. I still dont got coming from a dead stop down to a science yet.
So every time im about to hit the streets i go around the sub and stop for every stop sign and if i mess up at any of them i go around again till i get every one perfact.

Moral of the story practice makes perfact.
I just got my first bike a couple days ago and so far it is very nerve racking driving around on the streets for me. I have a hard time going up to the speed limit because even at about 25-30, it feels like I'm going fast. I'm always worried that someone is going to cut out in front of me. Did most of you feel this nervous when you started out? How long before I get more comfortable with riding on the streets?

Yes it is normal to have fear. I've just took up riding this year after a 20 year break. I have had the same fears as you but they are slowly fading , as they will with you. Like some of the other guys said , its good to have an awareness of how exposed you are. When I was 20 and riding I dont remember having too much fear, but I sure do remember some broken bones.
It's totally normal, man. I felt the same way at 30mph on my first bike. You'll gradually feel more comfortable at you're part of the bike. I'd say a week or so of practice. Then, it will start being more fun and you can try a faster road and eventually the expressway. Just remember that a motorcycle gets more stable the faster you zip along in a straight line.

Someone will definitely cut in front of you...probably often. Just be on the lookout and you'll be prepared when it happens.
Yeah I took the course. That was my first ever experience on a motorcycle. My second experience was on my FZ6R on Friday.
Yeah I took the course. That was my first ever experience on a motorcycle. My second experience was on my FZ6R on Friday.

You should check out if you have not already. There are a lot of friendly/helpful people on there. Groupe rides for newbs all the way up to experts and everything in between. :thumbup: Lots of other stuff too.
yea I had the same issue with mine as the FZ6 is my first bike. It gets better just try to remember to be aware of your surroundings, wear all your gear, and get some frame sliders on that baby cuz replacing fairings is no fun
If you are a new rider, you really should be riding with an expereinced rider so you can really learn first hand on what it's like to ride in traffic.

Sometimes when new riders get their motorcycle endorsement, they think it's an automatic green light to go hit the streets. Yes, you are legal, but you have no expereince dealing with traffic and trying to apply the proper street strategy gets overlooked because your focusing too much on just riding the bike. A recipe for disaster. My suggestion, which I tell every new rider, go ride along with an expereinced rider until you feel more comfortable.
I totally agree with Vegasrider.. Make sure you hit the street with someone who is more experienced. My friend got their license last year, and they only rode with other people the first few times.. When we were at stop lights we'd give him pointers because we'd see him doing things wrong etc..
Also, if you're afraid of being cut off, you should practice hard braking. Knowing how to brake properly will save you a lot of anxiety.

If you are a new rider, you really should be riding with an expereinced rider so you can really learn first hand on what it's like to ride in traffic.

Sometimes when new riders get their motorcycle endorsement, they think it's an automatic green light to go hit the streets. Yes, you are legal, but you have no expereince dealing with traffic and trying to apply the proper street strategy gets overlooked because your focusing too much on just riding the bike. A recipe for disaster. My suggestion, which I tell every new rider, go ride along with an expereinced rider until you feel more comfortable.
Also buy some books in the essential reading section. Read the books, practice the drills, reread the books, practice the drills. You never ever stop learning in this sport. It is a thinking mans sport. (unless your a squid or "hardcore weekend barhopper poser) LOL

Practice is the key. Your body has to know what to do without freezing when the time comes, and it will.
I've been riding a month now. Every day to work and on some of the weekends. It has gotten ALOT more to answer your question, yes it's normal and give yourself some time to get to know your bike. I mean I only have about 20 hours of riding experience if you count seat time!

read twist the throttle 2 it has a bunch of good stuff. It's for racers but the concepts really apply on the street.
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I totally agree with Vegasrider.. Make sure you hit the street with someone who is more experienced. My friend got their license last year, and they only rode with other people the first few times.. When we were at stop lights we'd give him pointers because we'd see him doing things wrong etc..
Also, if you're afraid of being cut off, you should practice hard braking. Knowing how to brake properly will save you a lot of anxiety.

Another in agreement here! One of the most valuable things I did when I first started riding, was ask some local riders to go for a ride with me and help me out. I still get pointers from people more experienced, but now I can give them to newer riders, too. It's all about helping each other.

If you don't have access to many more experienced riders, head out when traffic is at its least and get used to your bike. Take it to a parking lot and get a feel for how it accelerates, feels in turns, turns from a stop, etc. All those things you learn in the MSF are transferable to a bigger bike, but you need to get to know how they feel on that bike before you are comfortable with them. I used to take my bike a couple miles down the road and just do a loop during low traffic times, and eventually got comfortable with my bike and my own abilities.

You will always be learning. Remember, you are never going to know it all, and being a little nervous will help you stay alert and safe. But, if the fear takes over and you can't concentrate on the task at hand, that can be dangerous.
I have a hard time going up to the speed limit because even at about 25-30, it feels like I'm going fast.

This may be because you are staring at the road directly in front of the bike. Try to look further out ahead of your bike. Your eyes should be continuously scanning the road and not be looking directly in front of the bike. I hope this helps!