October Photo Scavenger hunt

Cool idea Steph. Winter being just around the corner though, I might not be able to get all the pictures.

I was thinking to go to the nearest donut shop and park beside one to take a picture, really. ;)

Its funny you guys have singled that one out, I was literally laughing when I was typing it:rof:
I'm going to bring a camera with me to work on monday!!!:thumbup:
Okay, got started and here's what I got....

Item 7: statue beside bike in Church Hill Square. Had to roll up to the sidewalk, turn off engine, push it into place on the sidewalk :eek: and quickly take some pics.


Item 1: came after taking item 7. Cops dragged my sorry a$$ down to HQ because I was on the sidewalk. Timely though, while they were discussing the situation they allowed me to take some pics with their cool cop cars. After I explained I was doing some scavenger hunt organized by a sadistic person from Ontario, they let me go. LOL, j/k.


Item 4: Pretty tough to get both the bike and the gas station sign in the same picture without moving back a bit. There wasn't any gas station in town that uses the curb signs anymore...:(


That's $$ per liter. WTF, we make the gas here, but it's cheaper out east, so I hear. Welcome to the Alberta advantage. :Flip: Okay, it was a little cheaper down the street.


Weird, prices usually get jacked on stat long weekends. Yes, it's Thanksgiving weekend here in Canada. :D
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After I explained I was doing some scavenger hunt organized by a sadistic person from Ontario, they let me go. LOL, j/k.

:rof: Good job! I love that statue!

We finally got your gorgeous weather! We went for a 5 hour ride today. I fell in love all over again with the Fizz. This was my first ride in 2 weeks.
It hit about 21c today. Unfortunately I didn't get any pictures, it was kinda a spur of the moment thing, we just decided and about 10 minutes later we were headed down the road.
We are going for a ride tomorrow again, and this time I am taking the camera...the fall colors are at their best right now.
Tomorrow is supposed to be 12°, light winds, while Monday 14°, again light winds. I think I'll hit the country side to seek out the elusive urber laughing mail box (thanks for the heads up batgirl, won’t be lookin’ in Menonite country). Problem with country mail boxes is there’s usually a vicious attack dog living there. Maybe I can convince it to sit on the bike with my Dog Whisperer savvy skillz and kill two birds with one stone. Hopefully pass an extended care facility where I might find an old man stuck in his wheel chair so I can pull up beside him and take a picture. Then, hit a couple of lakes in the region hoping to find some polar swimmers practicing for the real event and get them in shorts with sandals on to pose beside the bike. Will a swimsuit also be okay? Wish me luck….
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Tomorrow is supposed to be 12°, light winds, while Monday 14°, again light winds. I think I'll hit the country side to seek out the elusive urber laughing mail box (thanks for the heads up batgirl, won’t be lookin’ in Menonite country). Problem with country mail boxes is there’s usually a vicious attack dog living there. Maybe I can convince it to sit on the bike with my Dog Whisper savvy skillz and kill two birds with one stone. Hopefully pass an extended care facility where I might find an old man stuck in his wheel chair so I can pull up beside him and take a picture. Then, hit a couple of lakes in the region hoping to find some polar swimmers practicing for the real event and find one in shorts with sandals on. Will a swimsuit also be okay? Wish me luck….

:rof::rof::rof::rof::rof: good luck with that. :rockon:
I'm packin my camera everywhere I go...I'm off for the next 4 days...and supposed to be in the low 80"s
This is my, and J's, entry!

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rperk9G8Yb0"]YouTube - FZ6 Forum Photo Scavenger Hunt[/ame]
Nice, is that all you got? :Flip:

D & J raising the stakes. :(

That was pretty good. Hats of to you two. LoL :thumbup:

Jealous are ya??? :Flip: :rockon:

That was so FREAKING FUN!!! I was gonna ride my bike too, but the carbs need some TLC :( and I didn't think it would be too smart to get a picture at the Sheriff station when I don't have my license or permit. :scared: That was the first time we've ridden 2up on the R1! :eek:

EDIT: Danny was too chicken to ask a favor from all these strangers!!! :rolleyes:
Wow guys! That was awesome! REALLY stepped it up lol I'm impressed to say the least!
(how big was that dude in the shorts and sandals?!?!? He made the bike look like a pocket bike)
J, if you want to do this scavenger hunt in your cage, go for it, it would be a funny contrast.
Clever to buddy up...cheaters!!!!!! Awesome needless to say!!
Now I'm startin to wonder if I should bother??? LOL!!!
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I think this was one of the funnest things we've done in a while. come on people get out there and go for it!!! I'm glad J is more outgoing then me, otherwise I'd probably only have about 2 pictures. on a side note, there was a perfect mailbox I had in mind, but the people who used to live there took it with them when they moved. this thing was a fake donkey made out of a 55 gallon drum and rebar, it was actually set in cement in the ground. we rode over there and there was just a hole in the ground where the mailbox used to be. I mean who digs up their mailbox when they move???:D
too fun Steph, I can't wait to see what you come up with next time!!!:thumbup:

EDIT: I'm not sure how tall that guy was, he had to be at least 6'6", it was funny he actually had a hard time throwning his leg over the tail of the R1. there was a few other people we saw that met the description for the photo, but there was NO way I was going to let them near my bike!!!
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I just dropped hubby off for his hockey game and on the way there we saw the coolest mailbox...it was an old fashioned beer keg! I'm going back this aft on my bike...(after all the other games the family has) and get a picture of it. There were also some incredible fall colors so I'm going to get a few pics for potential BOTM.

I'm glad you guys are having fun...wait til you see what I have up my sleeve for next month! teehee!
Looks like the weather people are wrong again. Today looks like a wash.:(

I remembered I had this picture though...

Item 8: my bike is on the left side down from the two BM..f***in' W's and a "bunch" of cruisers. ;)

This is a great idea.
I am going to get my brother into sandals and shorts on my bike. I have chosen him beause he is bloody stupid.
Don`t forget I am in Scandanavia and it is getting bloody cold already.


Is it the first one to post the pics. OR do we all get to vote on the BEST series of pics. I would personally go for the second option.
